Random Thoughts

Friday, November 18, 2005

Bill Bonner on Tom Friedman on suicide bombers

Bill Bonner at LRC thanks Tom Friedman for enlightening us on the practical implications of suicide bombing:

And now for Friedman's pièce de résistance: "You cannot build a healthy state from suicide bombers."

We've always wondered about that, haven't you dear reader? We mean, how you build a healthy state and all. Many times it has come up in dinner conversations, some people arguing that blowing yourself up really can help strengthen the foundations of a healthy, modern republic. Didn't the whole universe get started with a big bang, they point out? Others take the contrary view, of course. They argue that self-detonation has a tendency to disaggregate the body politic; things tend to come apart rather than together, they say.

We could have gone either way. So, we're glad Friedman has finally delivered a verdict on this vital issue. Someone should tell the suicide bombers; they have a right to know.


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