Random Thoughts

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A first impression

First impressions are not as important as commonly believed. That's quite lucky for me, really, since they aren't my strong point. I've learned through long experience that a bad first impression can be overcome with a little persistance--assuming the impression is false. (The same goes for good first impressions, incidentally).

What a comforting thought! Almost as comforting as the thought that few people will read this, although it's out there for the world to see.

So, why am I starting this little blog? Like so much else I do (i.e. business school, foreign languages), it's rather an impulse. A couple of friends have been blogging, and I was inspired.

Anyway, I've always wanted to keep a journal but never had the willpower to keep one going. Nothing strengthens resolve like a public commitment. And once I send out a link to far-away family and friends, I'll be committed. Just like when I told my daughters that they had to help me watch my diet to reduce my cholestorol. Kids are a terrific asset in helping you to change your habits, by the way. I told my daughters that I had "sick blood", and that I needed their help to make it better. They were more than happy to oblige. And can they ever lay on the guilt! I've been on a low-starch, low-sugar regimen for two years, and I give them all the credit.

Why should you read my blog? Probably, you shouldn't. I sincerely hope you have something better to do. But sometimes you're curious what's on a person's mind, just because it's that person's mind that it's on. A good definition of a friend, I think. So, to all of my friends old and new, welcome to my blog.